Principal Architect Simeon Rivier is a visionary OAA Architect with over 16 years of unparalleled experience in all phases of architectural projects. Renowned for his analytical prowess and critical thinking, Simeon brings a wealth of expertise in researching, writing, and presenting to both ownership and clients. His exceptional multitasking abilities and calm under pressure make him a standout professional, capable of managing multiple high-stakes projects simultaneously.

Simeon has played a pivotal role as a designer and collaborator on some of Canada’s most iconic and complex projects, including the transformative Union Station Revitalization and the historic West Block Rehabilitation. His contributions to these nationally significant endeavors underscore his ability to navigate and lead large-scale, intricate projects with finesse.

Rooted in the humanities, Simeon's approach to architecture is both innovative and empathetic. He possesses a profound understanding of how buildings interact with their occupants' daily lives, ensuring that each project resonates deeply with its users. At Conflux Architecture, this empathetic and user-centric philosophy drives every design decision, creating spaces that harmonize with their environments and enhance the human experience.

Choose Simeon and Conflux Architecture for your next project, and experience the perfect blend of visionary design, meticulous project management, and a deep commitment to human-centered architecture.